Insurance for goods during transport
When transporting goods with your vehicle or with the help of a carrier, there is a great risk that the goods will be damaged or disappear. To receive full compensation regardless of who is responsible for the damage, you need transport insurance. Even when you transport your goods in your vehicle, it is important that your goods are insured and protected.
If you have transport insurance with us, you will receive full compensation in the event of damage and we will take care of all the practicalities.
According to national and international regulations, the carrier's liability for damage is limited. In cases where the carrier is responsible for the damage, your goods will be reimbursed up to a predetermined restriction. If you e.g. transport an advanced and expensive machine, there is a great risk that you will only get part of the full value reimbursed.
Insurance for boats, ships, and vessels in commercial traffic
With our boat insurance, you can insure boats, ships, and vessels of various sizes used for professional or commercial business, from workboats and smaller passenger boats, to tugboats, fishing vessels, and merchant's vessels. A larger part of our insured vessels are fishing boats and tankers, but we also insure smaller company-owned boats.
Ask for a quote and we will help find the insurance that fits your company's needs.
We recommend the use of Incoterms®
Incoterms are internationally recognized rules describing who is responsible for goods in transportation and for how long. Incoterms® 2020 avoid dispute concerning where loss or damage has incurred along the transport chain and prevents problems with interpretation.
Incoterms® brochure (pdf)