Basic numbers needed to understand the traffic safety effect of Automated Cars
This report provides an overview on basic numbers required to evaluate traffic safety performance of automated driving cars, a discussion on the methodology to achieve these numbers, and insights into expectations on future traffic safety evaluations of automated driving traffic safety performance.
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Detailed description of bicycle and passenger car collisions based on insurance claims
Cyclists are common among severely injured road users in Sweden. But bicycle crashes are underreported in official databases and information about crash details is very limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency and severity of different crash scenarios and identify relevant factors and circumstances of these collisions.
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A Study of Bicycle and Passenger Car Collisions Based on Insurance Claims Data
In this report, an analysis based on 438 cases of bicycle and passenger car crashes is presented, using insurance claims data. The most frequent crash situations are described as to where and when collisions occur. Age and gender of the involved cyclists and drivers, environmental circumstances, road status, weather- and light conditions, speedlimits and traffic environment is also included.
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Identification of aggressive driving from naturalistic data in car-following situations
Aggressive driving in car-following scenarios was analysed in European driving data and validated against self-reported questionnaires. We compared aggressive driving in different countries and investigate the relationship to driver characteristics.
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