Your grace period indicates the number of days before the company starts receiving money. The minimum waiting period that can be selected before the company receives compensation via the insurance in the event of sick leave is 30 days.
Antal karensdagar du kan välja när du tecknar försäkringen:
- 30 days
- 60 days
- 90 days
- 180 days
Depending on how big an impact long-term sick leave will have on your company, you can choose the solution that suits you the best.
Financial security for you as a self-employed person
If you or an employee falls ill, there is a risk that income will drop, while the fixed costs remain unchanged. Salary, social security contributions, rent, telephone, and other expenses must still be taken care of.
With a sick leave compensation insurance, you can feel secure that the company will receive money every day of the sick leave. The insurance is mainly recommended for smaller companies where a large part of the company's revenue depends on people's specialist skills.