Risks of extreme weather now included in our House Check

Extreme weather events such as floods, downpours and heatwaves are becoming more common. As an insurance company, we see the consequences that these weather events can have for homeowners on a daily basis. Therefore, If actively works to contribute to climate adaptation, including helping our customers to identify and prevent risks. 

With a changing climate, it has become more difficult to predict when and where extreme events may strike. Downpours that were previously called hundred-year rains now occur much more frequently. If has examined our Nordic customers’ preparedness for major weather events, and the results are worrying – the majority of all homeowners do not know what to do if some form of extreme weather were to approach, and they are not worried about being affected either.  

The demands on homeowners’ own preparations have increased with more unexpected weather risks – and we at If want to help. A concrete way to support our customers is to expand our checklist when we conduct our House Check – a service that is provided as part of our home insurance. Through concrete advice and guidance, we help our customers to protect their homes and reduce society’s vulnerability to climate-related damage. 

Identification of risks related to extreme weather

Among the new points that we inspect together with our partner Anticimex are vegetation near buildings, drainage areas and the management of large amounts of water. The aim is to reduce the risk of damage and to give homeowners a better understanding of what measures can strengthen their preparedness. 

“It may only require quite small efforts for homeowners to increase their resilience to weather damage. A first step is increased awareness that the problem exists. As an insurance company, we constantly work with support and knowledge sharing. The new checkpoints for extreme weather are an important part”, explains Anna Lindqvist, who is Head of Service Operations at If. 

Picture of Anna Lindqvist

Long-term work for climate adaptation

Picture of Philip Thörn

Since 2016, the House Check has been conducted in over 250,000 homes in the Nordic region. This makes the service one of our most important efforts in contributing to sustainable building and climate adaptation. By identifying risks in homes and providing preventive advice, we can not only reduce damage costs but also contribute to society as a whole becoming more resilient in the face of future challenges. 

“We see it as our responsibility to contribute to climate adaptation by using our knowledge in risk management and damage prevention work. When we, together with our customers, reduce the risk of damage, we also strengthen society’s resilience to extreme weather”, says Philip Thörn, who is Head of Sustainability at If. 

A joint effort for the future

Climate change requires powerful efforts on several fronts, both to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt our societies to a more extreme climate. If’s work with damage prevention services such as the House Check is one way to contribute to this transition. By offering practical help to homeowners, we can together create more sustainable solutions for the future. 

Read more about what you as a homeowner can do to prepare your house for extreme weather: (varies by country) 

A child stadning in a puddle